Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Peru: Day 8

What a day. It continued in yesterday's train of exceptions so much so that it ended up being quite funny. First off Joanna had a meeting with a couple of her MTW co-workers to prepare for a last minute team that's coming in, oh, three days. She wasn't planning to do much, if any, work while I was here but this turned out to be a necessity. It was kinda fun getting to sit in on the meeting and see what all goes into bringing summer missions teams in from the states.

Afterwards Joanna wanted to take me to Pisac, a village that is about an hours bus ride from Cusco, to rummage through their famed market. The bus ride was the first exception...normally it would be so crowded that people would be standing up in the isles. So many people, I hear, that it would be all hot and smelly. So I hear. It was just Joanna and I for about the first 15 minutes...yup that's right...we waited that long and longer because the bus wouldn't go anywhere until it was well neigh full! So we get to Pisac and Joanna was wondering where all the market people were. Again, I had no expectations so I knew no better. I thought it was great! Joanna said that normally there would be people lining both sides of the street and taking up all of the square with things to sell. I did a little more shopping, but not too much. I'm not really the shopping type. Oh, we did see a wiener bulldog. The dogs here are so plenteous and inbreed it's hysterical!

So, that's all the time I have for right now to write. I have a lot of blanks I want to fill in and a lot of random thoughts I wanted to randomly think through. But I guess they'll have to wait until I get back to TN on Friday. It's been fun!

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