Saturday, June 04, 2005

Globe Trotter (Vicarious & the Like)

It's been said that travel is an integral part of a truly classical education. It broadens perspective, encourages imagination, and more firmly strengthens foundations. So I've been told. But I've never really traveled abroad. Well, other than the cross country trek in a Buick Lesaber with three grown persons, two car seats and a 5 year old. But I feel especially privaledged this year. I've traveled vicariously to London with Der and the FCS seniors. I say vicariously because they've all been keeping me up to date on where they're going and what they're experiencing. It's rather exciting to get a call from a phone booth Trafalgar Square from one person while another person sitting by a fountain in the same square sends me a text message. Or to have just picked up and e-mail from someone while in Cambridge talking about the anticipated Evensong service, and then get a call giving the Cambridge book and tobacco shopping side of the adventure. It's been a lot of fun traveling "with" these guys. I kind of wish I could be there.

But I'm not because I get to travel non-vicariously in T-3 days.

Peru. The land of perfect picture taking, Inca Cola, alpacas, and best friends. On Tuesday I'll be embarking on the greatest solo adventure to date...traveling by my self to Cusco, Peru with a rather long layover in Lima where they don't speak my language. And I say, bring it on! My dear friend Joanna has my time there all planned out. From rafting the day after I get there --forget whether or not I'll be acclimated to the heightened altitude, I'll be busy tackling rapids--to trekking through ruins, to horse back riding through the hills and mountains. Sounds like fun! I've just gotten done packing my large roller bag with all the things she had me get while we went shopping in Wal-mart via phone.

I'm eager for rest. I'm eager for change. I'm eager to see my friend. But more than that I'm excited to see how stretching this could be...body, mind, and spirit.

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