Pensive, a. to think or reflect, to weigh or consider. Discernment, n. the power or faculty of the mind by which it distinguishes one thing from another; insight; acumen; as, the errors of youth often proceed from the want of discernment. (Webster's Dictionary)
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Day 2: Is Golf a Sport?—R.M.
sport. \ˈspȯrt\ noun. an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment. (source: Oxford American Dictionary)
There is a reason Tiger Woods drinks Gatorade. He sweats a lot. The concentrated effort it takes to trek to and from the golf cart just to get to the next hole is more physically taxing than the average Joe understands. There's the mental anguish and wrestling involved in plotting a strategy two, three, even five holes out to surpass an opponent, but there's also the added strain of physical exertion during the process of handing his driver to his caddie before he even sets foot on the golf cart. So clearly, if we were even just to take a look at the first part of the definition of the word sport—"an activity involving physical exertion"—we would see that golf does in fact meet the primary criteria for being an actual "sport".
individual. \ˌin-də-ˈvi-jü-əl\ noun. a single human being as distinct from a group, class, or family; a person of a specific kind. (source: Oxford American Dictionary)
Continuing on with the examination of our current topic, it would be good to point out that the endeavor of golf does in fact consist of individuals. Whether or not they all may be classified as human beings is of little relevance to our present discussion, but we can rest assured that Tiger Woods is in fact a human being. And he is most assuredly "a person of a specific kind". So clearly, we can see that golf also meets the criteria that it can be an individual endeavor.
entertainment. \ˌen-tər-ˈtān-mənt\ noun. amusement or diversion provided especially by performers. (source: Merriam-Webster's)
Golf pants are amusing. No one can deny that football is a sport, so John Daly is simply proving a point when he chose a pair of pants that could rival the 2008 Oregon Ducks' uniforms. Let's take the viewer's perspective for just a second as we seek to strengthen our argument for golf as a sport. Let's say you're a hard-working-paper-pushing-stapler-hoging-long-day-at-the-office man. You're greeted at home by your wife who wants you to take out the trash. You flick on the TV. John Daly's on the 12th hole, your wold is saved! "Honey," you cry, "look at these awesome pants!" The diversion is a success. The trash is forgotten and you are able to see the tournament through to its completion. Undeniably golf is a "diversion provided especially by performers".
So clearly, having met all the criteria stated in the definition, golf proudly and boldly henceforth and forever more carries the name of sport!
20 Days of Randomness
I am very glad, for your physical safety, that you reached the conclusion you did. I am however, reminded of a story from the 60s when a pro golfer was taken to task by a female spectator for smoking in a televised tournament. She said, "How can you, a professional athlete, smoke in front of the children of America?" To which he responded, "Lady, I'm not an athlete, I'm a golfer."
Hm. I'm still on the fence...
Thanks for the post, Amy. I literally laughed out loud when the John Daly photo scrolled onto my screen! Today, a laugh was in great order. Clearly a DIVERSION from my day :-)
Bing, Great story!
Ryan, Aww come on, I thought I presented a thoroughly convincing argument! Yeah, I love those pants!
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