Tuesday, May 26, 2009

U is for U2

Unbelievable. Utterly Unreal. My unbeatable, unfailing, unparalleled, utterly uncanny friend unveiled the utmost of unequalled gifts: TICKETS TO SEE U2 IN ATLANTA!!

Understandably this is a phenomenal gift, I mean how often does a person of meager means get to see Bono, Edge, Clayton, and Mullen in their life time? Never until now for this soul. And do you know why I get to go now? Because I have an awesome friend who for once in her life did a really good job of keeping a secret for a whole month. For the past month she has been hounding me and hounding me about how far behind I've gotten on my Alphabet Project. "When are you ever going to get to the end," she would ask, or, "Geeez, you haven't gotten past 'S' yet?!" I could never doubt such a dear friend as her, I thought she was just trying to keep me accountable in this writing endeavor I set out to complete in 26 days and it's now been over 60 days and I'm still not done. She is a good friend. She even tried to suggest topics along the way to get me moving on the project. She is a kind friend. Then I wouldn't use her suggestions either because I already had a topic or because I just wasn't inspired by her suggestion. She is a long suffering and patient friend. So how was I supposed to know that that she had ulterior motives? I had no idea she was keeping such a secret deep down inside and it was just waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting until I got to the letter U to burst out and say, "You MUST write U is for U2 or I shall scream!" I had no idea. What unction. What unflinching unwaiverability. What unthought of unfathomability. What an ultimate gift.

Whoodewhoo, I'm going to see U2!

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