Wednesday, March 11, 2009

D is for Don't Worry

It's a variation on a theme really. That's how I see it. One of the better variations in my opinion. Normally family is hundreds of miles away, I travel to be with them leaving behind my friends and support network and going into the world of theirs. The world that I rightly belong to at least in part because it was my world at one point but simply hazed by the difference of time and distance. This time family and familiar turf are one and the same in time and setting.

This is familiar ground for my family. Hospital visits have been mile markers throughout my own life. But this time it's a particularly memorable Ebenezer. Each member of my family has been surrounded by their own friends while we've all been supported by a shared community. It's incredible to witness. It's even more incredible to experience. All in all, The Great Physician knows our every need before we are even aware of it. He sees when we will be weak and sends encouragement. He knows when we will doubt and gives strength. He hears when we cry out to him and pours out peace. Often the encouragement He sends, the strength He gives, and the peace he pours out comes in the form of His greatest gift--people. These last few days have been no different. Every blessing in our lives has a name, and each name was sent by The One who cares so very deeply for us. Each visit, each call, each text is His way of saying, "Don't worry".

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