Tuesday, June 20, 2006



(I have to admit, before finding the silverware I thought about using the flat-headed screwdriver part of my Swiss Army knife to eat each individual Crispix bite, then I thought I'd use my icec ream scoop, then I decided my mouth wasn't big enough so I opted for the coffee scoop instead. Thanks to all you concerned and caring folk who were thinking about getting me some silverware!)

1 comment:

Inkling said...

I'm with you girl. I'm still navigating the mountainous maze of boxes in my new little abode. I spent ALL day today scrubbing the minscule bathroom. Just how do former bachelors get their bathrooms soooo dirty?! Anyway, now I finally know where the soap is. Ahh...the joys of unpacking.

Oh, and give me a holler if you need silverware or halfway decent sharp knives. After being showered with wedding gifts, we've got extra. You could actually get a package from Canada that way. =)