Saturday, May 29, 2010

Stanley Kubrick on Society and Man

"I think that when Rousseau transferred the concept of original sin from man to society, he was responsible for a lot of misguided social thinking which followed. I don't think that man is what he is because of an imperfectly structured society, but rather that society is imperfectly structured because of the nature of man. No philosophy based on an incorrect view of the nature of man is likely to produce social good." —Stanley Kubrick in an interview with Michel Ciment


Unknown said...

Many moons ago, you wrote a series of questions, one of which was "Why haven't I read Dorothy Sayers' Mind of the Maker before now?" That helped spur me on to read the book. I'm a little over half way.
Was Stanley Kubrick on Society and Man so profound and so filled with pensive discernment that you can never enter another blog entry?

Amy said...

Haha, no, I can't say it was THAT profound! I just got back from two weeks with hospitalized family members in West Virginia. That's right, I said family members plural. My cousin was in the hospital and then my auny--her mother--collasped and was admitted. So, since the end of the school year, life's been rather eventful. But don't worry, I'll write about it!

Unknown said...

Please contact the esteemed and much confused Prof. JB House at He cannot get his sidebar information (including the link to this blog)to show up on his blog.